Exercising Influence Exercising Influence Exercising Influence  

Influence Reference App for iOS and Android

Influence Reference App Influence Model: Tactics Tell Tactic Influence Framework

Barnes & Conti has developed a helpful reference application for your Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, or even your iPad. This app references the expressive and receptive influence tactics and behaviors from the Exercising Influence™, our popular influence training program.

In addition to the Influence Tactics and Behaviors, it includes:

  • Sentence starters for each behavior, appropriate to any influence situation
  • Examples of the influence behaviors
  • Criteria: to decide which particular influence behavior is appropriate
  • Influence Framework, to help plan in a situation in which you need to exercise influence

Visit the iTunes website for more info or to download for iOS.

Please visit Google Play for more info or to download for Android.

More Influence Resources